
Gifts to Him

Show Him the Romantic Flame Still Burns.

Put a note on the bathroom mirror promising to share an afternoon delight.

Fill his car with balloons, each with an "I Love You" message inside.

Find his car at work and leave a note on the steering wheel suggesting a romantic rendezvous. Meet him with drinks and snacks and a love note.

Meet him after work wearing your sexiest outfit and tempt him away to lover's lane. Carry along a bottle of sparkling water and a basket of canapés.

Leave him a series of notes to follow so that you meet in a romantic place.

Leave a trail of paper hearts, each with a loving message, from the front door to the bedroom for him to find as he comes home from work.

Cook his favorite dinner and serve it by candlelight.

Wrap up your prettiest negligee in a fancy package, complete with a note that promises a romantic evening.

Or decorate your bedroom in a theme - tropical island, old West, ancient castle - that appeals to his interests.

Scatter Hershey's Chocolate Kisses all over the bed.

